function data = loadSUN3D(sequenceName, frameIDs) if ~exist('sequenceName','var') % load demo sequence %sequenceName = 'hotel_mr/scan1'; sequenceName = 'hotel_umd/maryland_hotel3'; %sequenceName = 'brown_bm_1/brown_bm_1'; end % the root path of SUN3D % change it to local %SUN3Dpath = '/data/vision/torralba/sun3d/record/scene_final'; SUN3Dpath = ''; % read intrinsic data.K = reshape(readValuesFromTxt(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'intrinsics.txt')),3,3)'; % file list imageFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'image/'),'jpg'); depthFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'depth/'),'png'); extrinsicsFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'extrinsics/'),'txt'); % read time stamp imageFrameID = zeros(1,length(imageFiles)); imageTimestamp = zeros(1,length(imageFiles)); for i=1:length(imageFiles) id_time = sscanf(imageFiles(i).name, '%d-%d.jpg'); imageFrameID(i) = id_time(1); imageTimestamp(i) = id_time(2); end depthFrameID = zeros(1,length(depthFiles)); depthTimestamp = zeros(1,length(depthFiles)); for i=1:length(depthFiles) id_time = sscanf(depthFiles(i).name, '%d-%d.png'); depthFrameID(i) = id_time(1); depthTimestamp(i) = id_time(2); end % synchronize: find a depth for each image frameCount = length(imageFiles); IDimage2depth = zeros(1,frameCount); for i=1:frameCount [~, IDimage2depth(i)]=min(abs(double(depthTimestamp)-double(imageTimestamp(i)))); end % read annotation: data.annotation = annotationRead(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'annotation/index.json')); %plot(double(imageTimestamp)-double(depthTimestamp(IDimage2depth))) if ~exist('frameIDs','var') || isempty(frameIDs) frameIDs = 1:frameCount; end cnt = 0; for frameID=frameIDs cnt = cnt + 1; data.image{cnt} = fullfile(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'image',imageFiles(frameID).name)); data.depth{cnt} = fullfile(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'depth',depthFiles(IDimage2depth(frameID)).name)); end try % read the latest version of extrinsic parameters for cameras data.extrinsicsC2W = permute(reshape(readValuesFromTxt(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'extrinsics',extrinsicsFiles(end).name)),4,3,[]),[2 1 3]); catch data.extrinsicsC2W = []; end end %% IO function function values = readValuesFromTxt(filename) try values = textscan(urlread(filename),'%f'); catch fid = fopen(filename,'r'); values = textscan(fid,'%f'); fclose(fid); end values = values{1}; end function files = dirSmart(page, tag) [files, status] = urldir(page, tag); if status == 0 files = dir(fullfile(page, ['*.' tag])); end end function [files, status] = urldir(page, tag) if nargin == 1 tag = '/'; else tag = lower(tag); if strcmp(tag, 'dir') tag = '/'; end if strcmp(tag, 'img') tag = 'jpg'; end end nl = length(tag); nfiles = 0; files = []; % Read page page = strrep(page, '\', '/'); [webpage, status] = urlread(page); if status % Parse page j1 = findstr(lower(webpage), ''); chain = deblank(chain(10:jc(1)-1)); % check if it is the right type if length(chain)>length(tag)-1 if strcmp(chain(end-nl+1:end), tag) nfiles = nfiles+1; chain = strrep(chain, '%20', ' '); % replace space character files(nfiles).name = chain; files(nfiles).bytes = 1; end end end end end end function annotation = annotationRead(filename) annotation = []; try str = urlread(filename); annotation = loadjson(str); catch try str = file2string(filename); annotation = loadjson(str); catch end end end function fileStr = file2string(fname) fileStr = ''; fid = fopen(fname,'r'); tline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(tline) fileStr = [fileStr ' ' tline]; tline = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); end