function [K, frameCount, frameImage, frameDepth] = SUN3Dreader(sequenceName, frameIDs) if ~exist('sequenceName','var') % load demo sequence %sequenceName = 'hotel_mr/scan1'; sequenceName = 'hotel_umd/maryland_hotel3'; %sequenceName = 'brown_bm_1/brown_bm_1'; end % the root path of SUN3D % change it to local %SUN3Dpath = '/data/vision/torralba/sun3d/record/scene_final'; SUN3Dpath = ''; % read intrinsic K = reshape(readValuesFromTxt(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'intrinsics.txt')),3,3)'; % file list imageFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'image/'),'jpg'); depthFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'depth/'),'png'); extrinsicsFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'extrinsics/'),'txt'); % read the latest version of extrinsic parameters for cameras extrinsicsC2W = permute(reshape(readValuesFromTxt(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'extrinsics',extrinsicsFiles(end).name)),4,3,[]),[2 1 3]); % read time stamp imageFrameID = zeros(1,length(imageFiles)); imageTimestamp = zeros(1,length(imageFiles)); for i=1:length(imageFiles) id_time = sscanf(imageFiles(i).name, '%d-%d.jpg'); imageFrameID(i) = id_time(1); imageTimestamp(i) = id_time(2); end depthFrameID = zeros(1,length(depthFiles)); depthTimestamp = zeros(1,length(depthFiles)); for i=1:length(depthFiles) id_time = sscanf(depthFiles(i).name, '%d-%d.png'); depthFrameID(i) = id_time(1); depthTimestamp(i) = id_time(2); end % synchronize: find a depth for each image frameCount = length(imageFiles); IDimage2depth = zeros(1,frameCount); for i=1:frameCount [~, IDimage2depth(i)]=min(abs(double(depthTimestamp)-double(imageTimestamp(i)))); end % read annotation: annotation = annotationRead(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'annotation/index.json')); %plot(double(imageTimestamp)-double(depthTimestamp(IDimage2depth))) if ~exist('frameIDs','var') frameIDs = 1:frameCount; end cnt = 0; for frameID=frameIDs image = imageRead(fullfile(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'image',imageFiles(frameID).name))); depth = depthRead(fullfile(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'depth',depthFiles(IDimage2depth(frameID)).name))); cnt = cnt+1; frameImage(:,:,:,cnt) = image; frameDepth(:,:,cnt) = depth; XYZcamera = depth2XYZcamera(K, depth); % pick the valid points with their color valid = logical(XYZcamera(:,:,4)); valid = valid(:)'; XYZ = reshape(XYZcamera,[],4)'; RGB = reshape(image,[],3)'; XYZ = XYZ(1:3,valid); RGB = RGB(:,valid); % plot in camera coordinate % visualizePointCloud(XYZ,RGB); disp('check the point cloud.'); pause; % transform to world coordinate XYZworld = transformPointCloud(XYZ,extrinsicsC2W(:,:,frameID)); if frameID==frameIDs(1); clf; end subplot(1,2,1); hold off; imshow(image); title(sprintf('Image and Annotation for Frame %d',frameID)); % draw the annotation if the frame is a keyframe keyframeID = find(ismember(cellstr(annotation.fileList), imageFiles(frameID).name)); if ~isempty(keyframeID) if ~isempty(annotation.frames{keyframeID}) hold on LineWidth = 4; for polygonID = 1:length(annotation.frames{keyframeID}.polygon) X = annotation.frames{keyframeID}.polygon{polygonID}.x; Y = annotation.frames{keyframeID}.polygon{polygonID}.y; objectID = annotation.frames{keyframeID}.polygon{polygonID}.object; color = ObjectColor(objectID); plot([X X(1)],[Y Y(1)], 'LineWidth', LineWidth, 'Color', [0 0 0]); hold on; plot([X X(1)],[Y Y(1)], 'LineWidth', LineWidth/2, 'Color', color); hold on; xx = mean(X); yy = mean(Y); ht=text(xx,yy, annotation.objects{objectID+1}.name, 'horizontalAlignment', 'center', 'verticalAlignment', 'bottom'); set(ht, 'color', color, 'fontsize', 10); end end end % plot in world coordinate subplot(1,2,2) visualizePointCloud(XYZworld,RGB,100); hold on; title(sprintf('World Coordinate using Frame 1-%d',frameID)); disp('check the point cloud, and press any key to continue.'); pause; end end function color = ObjectColor(objectID) % same color as the online annotator %objectColors = {'#1f77b4', '#aec7e8', '#ff7f0e', '#ffbb78', '#2ca02c', '#98df8a', '#d62728', '#ff9896', '#9467bd', '#c5b0d5', '#8c564b', '#c49c94', '#e377c2', '#f7b6d2', '#7f7f7f', '#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#dbdb8d', '#17becf', '#9edae5', '#8dd3c7', '#ffffb3', '#bebada', '#fb8072', '#80b1d3', '#fdb462', '#b3de69', '#fccde5', '#d9d9d9', '#bc80bd', '#ccebc5', '#ffed6f', '#e41a1c', '#377eb8', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3', '#ff7f00', '#ffff33', '#a65628', '#f781bf', '#999999', '#621e15', '#e59076', '#128dcd', '#083c52', '#64c5f2', '#61afaf', '#0f7369', '#9c9da1', '#365e96', '#983334', '#77973d', '#5d437c', '#36869f', '#d1702f', '#8197c5', '#c47f80', '#acc484', '#9887b0', '#2d588a', '#58954c', '#e9a044', '#c12f32', '#723e77', '#7d807f', '#9c9ede', '#7375b5', '#4a5584', '#cedb9c', '#b5cf6b', '#8ca252', '#637939', '#e7cb94', '#e7ba52', '#bd9e39', '#8c6d31', '#e7969c', '#d6616b', '#ad494a', '#843c39', '#de9ed6', '#ce6dbd', '#a55194', '#7b4173', '#000000', '#0000FF'}; objectColors = loadjson(urlread('')); objectID = mod(objectID,length(objectColors)) + 1; color = objectColors{objectID}; color = [hex2dec(color(2:3)) hex2dec(color(4:5)) hex2dec(color(6:7))]/255; end function values = readValuesFromTxt(filename) try values = textscan(urlread(filename),'%f'); catch fid = fopen(filename,'r'); values = textscan(fid,'%f'); fclose(fid); end values = values{1}; end function visualizePointCloud(XYZ,RGB, subsampleGap) if ~exist('subsampleGap','var') subsampleGap = 50; end XYZ = XYZ(:,1:subsampleGap:end); RGB = RGB(:,1:subsampleGap:end); scatter3(XYZ(1,:),XYZ(2,:),XYZ(3,:),ones(1,size(XYZ,2)),double(RGB)'/255,'filled'); axis equal axis tight end function XYZcamera = depth2XYZcamera(K, depth) [x,y] = meshgrid(1:640, 1:480); XYZcamera(:,:,1) = (x-K(1,3)).*depth/K(1,1); XYZcamera(:,:,2) = (y-K(2,3)).*depth/K(2,2); XYZcamera(:,:,3) = depth; XYZcamera(:,:,4) = depth~=0; end function XYZtransform = transformPointCloud(XYZ,Rt) XYZtransform = Rt(1:3,1:3) * XYZ + repmat(Rt(1:3,4),1,size(XYZ,2)); end function depth = depthRead(filename) depth = imread(filename); depth = bitor(bitshift(depth,-3), bitshift(depth,16-3)); depth = single(depth)/1000; end %{ % test to make sure it is correct for i=0:65535 depth = uint16(i); code =bitor(bitshift(depth,3),bitshift(depth,3-16)); recoverDepth = bitor(bitshift(code,-3), bitshift(code,16-3)); if (depth~=recoverDepth) fprintf('error + %d\n',i); end end %} function image = imageRead(filename) image = imread(filename); end function files = dirSmart(page, tag) [files, status] = urldir(page, tag); if status == 0 files = dir(fullfile(page, ['*.' tag])); end end function [files, status] = urldir(page, tag) if nargin == 1 tag = '/'; else tag = lower(tag); if strcmp(tag, 'dir') tag = '/'; end if strcmp(tag, 'img') tag = 'jpg'; end end nl = length(tag); nfiles = 0; files = []; % Read page page = strrep(page, '\', '/'); [webpage, status] = urlread(page); if status % Parse page j1 = findstr(lower(webpage), ''); chain = deblank(chain(10:jc(1)-1)); % check if it is the right type if length(chain)>length(tag)-1 if strcmp(chain(end-nl+1:end), tag) nfiles = nfiles+1; chain = strrep(chain, '%20', ' '); % replace space character files(nfiles).name = chain; files(nfiles).bytes = 1; end end end end end end function annotation = annotationRead(filename) annotation = []; try str = urlread(filename); annotation = loadjson(str); catch try str = file2string(filename); annotation = loadjson(str); catch end end end function fileStr = file2string(fname) fileStr = ''; fid = fopen(fname,'r'); tline = fgetl(fid); while ischar(tline) fileStr = [fileStr ' ' tline]; tline = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); end %% the rest of this file is all from JSON lab for reading a JSON file. % % version: JSONLAB v1.0 alpha (Optimus) is updated on 08/23/2013. function data = loadjson(fname,varargin) % % data=loadjson(fname,opt) % or % data=loadjson(fname,'param1',value1,'param2',value2,...) % % parse a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file or string % % authors:Qianqian Fang (fangq % date: 2011/09/09 % Nedialko Krouchev: % date: 2009/11/02 % François Glineur: % date: 2009/03/22 % Joel Feenstra: % % date: 2008/07/03 % % $Id: loadjson.m 394 2012-12-18 17:58:11Z fangq $ % % input: % fname: input file name, if fname contains "{}" or "[]", fname % will be interpreted as a JSON string % opt: a struct to store parsing options, opt can be replaced by % a list of ('param',value) pairs. The param string is equivallent % to a field in opt. % % output: % dat: a cell array, where {...} blocks are converted into cell arrays, % and [...] are converted to arrays % % license: % BSD, see LICENSE_BSD.txt files for details % % -- this function is part of jsonlab toolbox ( % global pos inStr len esc index_esc len_esc isoct arraytoken if(regexp(fname,'[\{\}\]\[]','once')) string=fname; elseif(exist(fname,'file')) fid = fopen(fname,'rt'); string = fscanf(fid,'%c'); fclose(fid); else error('input file does not exist'); end pos = 1; len = length(string); inStr = string; isoct=exist('OCTAVE_VERSION'); arraytoken=find(inStr=='[' | inStr==']' | inStr=='"'); jstr=regexprep(inStr,'\\\\',' '); escquote=regexp(jstr,'\\"'); arraytoken=sort([arraytoken escquote]); % String delimiters and escape chars identified to improve speed: esc = find(inStr=='"' | inStr=='\' ); % comparable to: regexp(inStr, '["\\]'); index_esc = 1; len_esc = length(esc); opt=varargin2struct(varargin{:}); jsoncount=1; while pos <= len switch(next_char) case '{' data{jsoncount} = parse_object(opt); case '[' data{jsoncount} = parse_array(opt); otherwise error_pos('Outer level structure must be an object or an array'); end jsoncount=jsoncount+1; end % while jsoncount=length(data); if(jsoncount==1 && iscell(data)) data=data{1}; end if(~isempty(data)) if(isstruct(data)) % data can be a struct array data=jstruct2array(data); elseif(iscell(data)) data=jcell2array(data); end end end %% function newdata=parse_collection(id,data,obj) if(jsoncount>0 && exist('data','var')) if(~iscell(data)) newdata=cell(1); newdata{1}=data; data=newdata; end end end %% function newdata=jcell2array(data) len=length(data); newdata=data; for i=1:len if(isstruct(data{i})) newdata{i}=jstruct2array(data{i}); elseif(iscell(data{i})) newdata{i}=jcell2array(data{i}); end end end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function newdata=jstruct2array(data) fn=fieldnames(data); newdata=data; len=length(data); for i=1:length(fn) % depth-first for j=1:len if(isstruct(getfield(data(j),fn{i}))) newdata(j)=setfield(newdata(j),fn{i},jstruct2array(getfield(data(j),fn{i}))); end end end if(~isempty(strmatch('x0x5F_ArrayType_',fn)) && ~isempty(strmatch('x0x5F_ArrayData_',fn))) newdata=cell(len,1); for j=1:len ndata=cast(data(j).x0x5F_ArrayData_,data(j).x0x5F_ArrayType_); iscpx=0; if(~isempty(strmatch('x0x5F_ArrayIsComplex_',fn))) if(data(j).x0x5F_ArrayIsComplex_) iscpx=1; end end if(~isempty(strmatch('x0x5F_ArrayIsSparse_',fn))) if(data(j).x0x5F_ArrayIsSparse_) if(~isempty(strmatch('x0x5F_ArraySize_',fn))) dim=data(j).x0x5F_ArraySize_; if(iscpx && size(ndata,2)==4-any(dim==1)) ndata(:,end-1)=complex(ndata(:,end-1),ndata(:,end)); end if isempty(ndata) % All-zeros sparse ndata=sparse(dim(1),prod(dim(2:end))); elseif dim(1)==1 % Sparse row vector ndata=sparse(1,ndata(:,1),ndata(:,2),dim(1),prod(dim(2:end))); elseif dim(2)==1 % Sparse column vector ndata=sparse(ndata(:,1),1,ndata(:,2),dim(1),prod(dim(2:end))); else % Generic sparse array. ndata=sparse(ndata(:,1),ndata(:,2),ndata(:,3),dim(1),prod(dim(2:end))); end else if(iscpx && size(ndata,2)==4) ndata(:,3)=complex(ndata(:,3),ndata(:,4)); end ndata=sparse(ndata(:,1),ndata(:,2),ndata(:,3)); end end elseif(~isempty(strmatch('x0x5F_ArraySize_',fn))) if(iscpx && size(ndata,2)==2) ndata=complex(ndata(:,1),ndata(:,2)); end ndata=reshape(ndata(:),data(j).x0x5F_ArraySize_); end newdata{j}=ndata; end if(len==1) newdata=newdata{1}; end end end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function object = parse_object(varargin) parse_char('{'); object = []; if next_char ~= '}' while 1 str = parseStr(varargin{:}); if isempty(str) error_pos('Name of value at position %d cannot be empty'); end parse_char(':'); val = parse_value(varargin{:}); eval( sprintf( 'object.%s = val;', valid_field(str) ) ); if next_char == '}' break; end parse_char(','); end end parse_char('}'); end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function object = parse_array(varargin) % JSON array is written in row-major order global pos inStr isoct parse_char('['); object = cell(0, 1); dim2=[]; if next_char ~= ']' [endpos e1l e1r maxlevel]=matching_bracket(inStr,pos); arraystr=['[' inStr(pos:endpos)]; arraystr=regexprep(arraystr,'"_NaN_"','NaN'); arraystr=regexprep(arraystr,'"([-+]*)_Inf_"','$1Inf'); arraystr(find(arraystr==sprintf('\n')))=[]; arraystr(find(arraystr==sprintf('\r')))=[]; %arraystr=regexprep(arraystr,'\s*,',','); % this is slow,sometimes needed if(~isempty(e1l) && ~isempty(e1r)) % the array is in 2D or higher D astr=inStr((e1l+1):(e1r-1)); astr=regexprep(astr,'"_NaN_"','NaN'); astr=regexprep(astr,'"([-+]*)_Inf_"','$1Inf'); astr(find(astr==sprintf('\n')))=[]; astr(find(astr==sprintf('\r')))=[]; astr(find(astr==' '))=''; if(isempty(find(astr=='[', 1))) % array is 2D dim2=length(sscanf(astr,'%f,',[1 inf])); end else % array is 1D astr=arraystr(2:end-1); astr(find(astr==' '))=''; [obj count errmsg nextidx]=sscanf(astr,'%f,',[1,inf]); if(nextidx>=length(astr)-1) object=obj; pos=endpos; parse_char(']'); return; end end if(~isempty(dim2)) astr=arraystr; astr(find(astr=='['))=''; astr(find(astr==']'))=''; astr(find(astr==' '))=''; [obj count errmsg nextidx]=sscanf(astr,'%f,',inf); if(nextidx>=length(astr)-1) object=reshape(obj,dim2,numel(obj)/dim2)'; pos=endpos; parse_char(']'); return; end end arraystr=regexprep(arraystr,'\]\s*,','];'); try if(isoct && regexp(arraystr,'"','once')) error('Octave eval can produce empty cells for JSON-like input'); end object=eval(arraystr); pos=endpos; catch while 1 val = parse_value(varargin{:}); object{end+1} = val; if next_char == ']' break; end parse_char(','); end end end if(jsonopt('SimplifyCell',0,varargin{:})==1) try oldobj=object; object=cell2mat(object')'; if(iscell(oldobj) && isstruct(object) && numel(object)>1 && jsonopt('SimplifyCellArray',1,varargin{:})==0) object=oldobj; elseif(size(object,1)>1 && ndims(object)==2) object=object'; end catch end end parse_char(']'); end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function parse_char(c) global pos inStr len skip_whitespace; if pos > len || inStr(pos) ~= c error_pos(sprintf('Expected %c at position %%d', c)); else pos = pos + 1; skip_whitespace; end end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function c = next_char global pos inStr len skip_whitespace; if pos > len c = []; else c = inStr(pos); end end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function skip_whitespace global pos inStr len while pos <= len && isspace(inStr(pos)) pos = pos + 1; end end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function str = parseStr(varargin) global pos inStr len esc index_esc len_esc % len, ns = length(inStr), keyboard if inStr(pos) ~= '"' error_pos('String starting with " expected at position %d'); else pos = pos + 1; end str = ''; while pos <= len while index_esc <= len_esc && esc(index_esc) < pos index_esc = index_esc + 1; end if index_esc > len_esc str = [str inStr(pos:len)]; pos = len + 1; break; else str = [str inStr(pos:esc(index_esc)-1)]; pos = esc(index_esc); end nstr = length(str); switch inStr(pos) case '"' pos = pos + 1; if(~isempty(str)) if(strcmp(str,'_Inf_')) str=Inf; elseif(strcmp(str,'-_Inf_')) str=-Inf; elseif(strcmp(str,'_NaN_')) str=NaN; end end return; case '\' if pos+1 > len error_pos('End of file reached right after escape character'); end pos = pos + 1; switch inStr(pos) case {'"' '\' '/'} str(nstr+1) = inStr(pos); pos = pos + 1; case {'b' 'f' 'n' 'r' 't'} str(nstr+1) = sprintf(['\' inStr(pos)]); pos = pos + 1; case 'u' if pos+4 > len error_pos('End of file reached in escaped unicode character'); end str(nstr+(1:6)) = inStr(pos-1:pos+4); pos = pos + 5; end otherwise % should never happen str(nstr+1) = inStr(pos), keyboard pos = pos + 1; end end error_pos('End of file while expecting end of inStr'); end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function num = parse_number(varargin) global pos inStr len isoct currstr=inStr(pos:end); numstr=0; if(isoct~=0) numstr=regexp(currstr,'^\s*-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?','end'); [num, one] = sscanf(currstr, '%f', 1); delta=numstr+1; else [num, one, err, delta] = sscanf(currstr, '%f', 1); if ~isempty(err) error_pos('Error reading number at position %d'); end end pos = pos + delta-1; end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function val = parse_value(varargin) global pos inStr len true = 1; false = 0; switch(inStr(pos)) case '"' val = parseStr(varargin{:}); return; case '[' val = parse_array(varargin{:}); return; case '{' val = parse_object(varargin{:}); return; case {'-','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'} val = parse_number(varargin{:}); return; case 't' if pos+3 <= len && strcmpi(inStr(pos:pos+3), 'true') val = true; pos = pos + 4; return; end case 'f' if pos+4 <= len && strcmpi(inStr(pos:pos+4), 'false') val = false; pos = pos + 5; return; end case 'n' if pos+3 <= len && strcmpi(inStr(pos:pos+3), 'null') val = []; pos = pos + 4; return; end end error_pos('Value expected at position %d'); end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function error_pos(msg) global pos inStr len poShow = max(min([pos-15 pos-1 pos pos+20],len),1); if poShow(3) == poShow(2) poShow(3:4) = poShow(2)+[0 -1]; % display nothing after end msg = [sprintf(msg, pos) ': ' ... inStr(poShow(1):poShow(2)) '' inStr(poShow(3):poShow(4)) ]; error( ['JSONparser:invalidFormat: ' msg] ); end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function str = valid_field(str) global isoct % From MATLAB doc: field names must begin with a letter, which may be % followed by any combination of letters, digits, and underscores. % Invalid characters will be converted to underscores, and the prefix % "x0x[Hex code]_" will be added if the first character is not a letter. pos=regexp(str,'^[^A-Za-z]','once'); if(~isempty(pos)) if(~isoct) str=regexprep(str,'^([^A-Za-z])','x0x${sprintf(''%X'',unicode2native($1))}_','once'); else str=sprintf('x0x%X_%s',char(str(1)),str(2:end)); end end if(isempty(regexp(str,'[^0-9A-Za-z_]', 'once' ))) return; end if(~isoct) str=regexprep(str,'([^0-9A-Za-z_])','_0x${sprintf(''%X'',unicode2native($1))}_'); else pos=regexp(str,'[^0-9A-Za-z_]'); if(isempty(pos)) return; end str0=str; pos0=[0 pos(:)' length(str)]; str=''; for i=1:length(pos) str=[str str0(pos0(i)+1:pos(i)-1) sprintf('_0x%X_',str0(pos(i)))]; end if(pos(end)~=length(str)) str=[str str0(pos0(end-1)+1:pos0(end))]; end end %str(~isletter(str) & ~('0' <= str & str <= '9')) = '_'; end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function endpos = matching_quote(str,pos) len=length(str); while(pos1 && str(pos-1)=='\')) endpos=pos; return; end end pos=pos+1; end error('unmatched quotation mark'); end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [endpos e1l e1r maxlevel] = matching_bracket(str,pos) global arraytoken level=1; maxlevel=level; endpos=0; bpos=arraytoken(arraytoken>=pos); tokens=str(bpos); len=length(tokens); pos=1; e1l=[]; e1r=[]; while(pos<=len) c=tokens(pos); if(c==']') level=level-1; if(isempty(e1r)) e1r=bpos(pos); end if(level==0) endpos=bpos(pos); return end end if(c=='[') if(isempty(e1l)) e1l=bpos(pos); end level=level+1; maxlevel=max(maxlevel,level); end if(c=='"') pos=matching_quote(tokens,pos+1); end pos=pos+1; end if(endpos==0) error('unmatched "]"'); end end function opt=varargin2struct(varargin) % % opt=varargin2struct('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...) % or % opt=varargin2struct(...,optstruct,...) % % convert a series of input parameters into a structure % % authors:Qianqian Fang (fangq % date: 2012/12/22 % % input: % 'param', value: the input parameters should be pairs of a string and a value % optstruct: if a parameter is a struct, the fields will be merged to the output struct % % output: % opt: a struct where opt.param1=value1, opt.param2=value2 ... % % license: % BSD, see LICENSE_BSD.txt files for details % % -- this function is part of jsonlab toolbox ( % len=length(varargin); opt=struct; if(len==0) return; end i=1; while(i<=len) if(isstruct(varargin{i})) opt=mergestruct(opt,varargin{i}); elseif(ischar(varargin{i}) && i % % $Id: loadjson.m 371 2012-06-20 12:43:06Z fangq $ % % input: % key: a string with which one look up a value from a struct % default: if the key does not exist, return default % optstruct: a struct where each sub-field is a key % % output: % val: if key exists, val=optstruct.key; otherwise val=default % % license: % BSD, see LICENSE_BSD.txt files for details % % -- this function is part of jsonlab toolbox ( % val=default; if(nargin<=2) return; end opt=varargin{1}; if(isstruct(opt) && isfield(opt,key)) val=getfield(opt,key); end end